How Much Does Added Security Cost?

We charge $10.00 per user per month plus $0.02 per verification sent.

We offer a no-credit-card-required seven day trial for one user. If you decide to sign up for our service, you may do so at anytime during your trial. Our service is month to month with no contract. The account owner can cancel at anytime from the account settings page.

At the end of your seven day trial we will begin charging your card every 30 days for the number of users in your account. We will also charge you 2 cents per verification code sent in the previous month plus any applicable tax. If at any time during the month you want to add an additional user we will prorate the price of that user and charge you immediately.

You can use the pricing calculator below to help estimate your expected monthly bill.

Pricing Calculator


All users can verify a client.
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